Thermal Binding for Universities

Thermal binding for the education industry is very popular, and replacing punch-and-bind solutions because of their ease-of-use, speed to make, and their variety of customization opportunities. For schools and universities in particular, the variety of thermal binding covers below can be used to create artwork collections, curriculum, workbooks, graduation programs, athletic department plans, fundraiser meeting info, in-house yearbooks, textbooks, and a huge variety of other education materials. The options are truly endless with what you can do with thermal binding for your school or college.

Thermal binding covers come in several colors to help match well with your school colors, and a huge variety of cover style options, such as soft covers with clear fronts to show your first page, soft covers with windows to show just a portion of your first page, hard covers with or without windows, and on-demand covers of all kinds that allow you to print customized covers in-house and product individually personalized documents.

What's more is how incredibly fast and easy they are to use! Simple place your pages into the cover of your choice, and drop the cover into the Coverbind machine of your choice. In as fast as 1 second per document (depending on the machine you choose) you will have a completed book. The strength of bind is incredible, and have been greatly improved over the years to the point where you can hold even a 2" thick book from a few pages and shake the book...the pages would tear before they came out of the spine. Thermal binding is so fast, it can be done 45 times faster than other punch-and-bind methods, and even 30 times faster than most tape binding machines. There is no better way to bind for your college where time is limited and demands are high.

Popular Thermal Binding Applications for Colleges & Universities
   • Course Documentation    • In-House Yearbooks    • Athletic Guidelines
   • Curriculum Books    • In-House Textbooks    • Donor/Sponsorship Requests
   • Registration Packets    • Course Catalog    • School Regulations & Procedures
   • Lab Books    • Thesis Reports    • College Brochures
   • Catalogs    • Orientation Documents    • Board Meeting Reports
   • Quarterly/Annual Reports    • In-House Magazines    • Student Projects


We Accept Purchase Orders from Colleges & Universities! We gladly accept purchase orders from schools and universities so you can pay for the order within 30 days of billing (Net30 terms). Just email a copy of your formal PO with a valid PO number to or fax it to (800) 440-8669. Please include the email address for the best contact on the purchase order, including where the invoice should be sent for payment.

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Thermal Binding for Universities
  1. Color White
  2. Size 1/16" Spine (20 Pack)
  3. Size 1/16" Spine (100 Pack)
  4. Size 1/8" Spine (20 Pack)
  5. Size 1/4" Spine (80 Pack)
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