Real Estate

Real Estate

If you want your real estate business to stand-out and make a lasting impression on clients, then you have come to the right place. Here at Binding101 we have created a real estate industry page that has everything your office needs to organize your paperwork, protect your clients' personal information, and brand your business in a memorable way. Just browse the categories below to see the variety of products that we offer that are related to your industry.

Need to organize paperwork for yourself and your clients? Check out our pocket folders, which are available plain, with custom printing, or even in a tax-folder style that allows for unique display of your clients' paperwork. We also have hard covers that offer a premium presentation, perfect for your high-value properties and customers.Report covers are an alternative solution for your presentations, available in either solid colors, with windows, or custom printed with your business name and logo. Need basic ring binders? We have those too; but they are better quality and lower priced than traditional binders you would find at an office supply store. We can also customize ring binders too!

Looking to protect your clients and yourself from identity theft? Consider a paper shredder to properly dispose of any sensitive information. Instead of using a mobile shred service which typically uses low-security strip cut shredding, invest in your own office shredder to truly destroy paperwork in a way that cannot be re-assembled.

Paper handling tools and equipment are also available, including paper folding machines to help you produce quality mailers, business card cutters so you can make your own and print them on-demand, and hole punches for ring binders and filing.

These products and more are available to buy online below; just click on the type of product you are interested to see the specific products available in that line. Have questions, or don't see what you need for your real estate office? Call us at (866) 537-2244 and we will do our best to help you.

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